Sunday, January 1, 2023

Missing ANS button in Webex Calling Receptionist Client

If you are using the Webex Calling Receptionist Client, then receive an incoming call, but you do not see the ANS answer button, please ensure that the phone you are using is the Primary Device for the user account you are signed in as. If you navigate to Users, click on the user being used for the receptionist client, then click on Devices and the phone being used to receive the calls, you should see "Primary Device". If you don't see this, you will not see the ANS button an will be unable to use the receptionist client to answer the calls. There is currently a method to set a device as primary, so you might need to delete the device, then re-add the device for this user. An example of how this can happen is when you setup a user account for the receptionist client, then add a device, then add another device, then delete the first device. The 2nd device will not automatically become the primary device in this case. So, you need to delete and re-add it.